दक्षिण भारत के प्रमुख राजवंश की 500 ईस्वी से 1200 ईस्वी
इस समय मे दक्षिण भारत के अलग अलग क्षेत्रों मे कई प्रकार के राजवंशो का प्रभाव देखने को मिलता है |
पल्लव वंश (575 ई – 897ई): –
► पल्लवो का संथापकबप्पादेवथे |
पल्लव वंश का वास्तविक संस्थापक –सिंहविष्णुको माना जाता है |
🔴 सिंह विष्णु(575 – 600 ई) :
• सिंह विष्णुवैष्णव धर्मका अनुयायी था ,सिंह विष्णु के दरबार मेभारविनाम का लेखक रहा करता था जिसने ‘’किरतार्जूनियम’’ की रचना की थी |
🔴महेंद्रवर्मन-I(600 – 630 ई) :
⏭ नरसिंहवर्मन- :
पूरे पल्लव वंश का सबसेशक्तिशालीशासकनरसिंहवर्मन- I था |
• इसने चालुक्य शासकपुलकेशिन-IIको युद्ध मे पराजित किया था | इसे पराजित कर नरसिंहवर्मन प्रथम ने ‘’वातापीकोण्ड’’ की उपाधि धारण की थी |
⏺ नरसिंहवर्मन– II(700-728 ई):
इसका शासनकालशांतिका शासनकाल माना जाता है और इसके शासन काल मेस्थापत्य कलाका भरपूर विकास देखने को मिलता है जैसे –
⏺ वातापी के चालुक्य:
जिन चालूक्यो ने वातापी को अपनी राजधानी बनाया था वो वातापी के चालुक्य कहलाए |
🔴 पुलकेशिन प्रथम–
पुलकेशिन प्रथम ने हीबादामीको अपनी राजधानी बनाया |
• इसके बाद किर्तिवर्मन का पुत्रपुलकेशिन द्वितीयअगला शासक बना |
➡ पुलकेशिन द्वितीय–
इस वंश का सबसे महान शासक हुआ, इसने पश्चिमी गंग वंश, कदंब वंश, और पुष्यभूति वंश के शासक हर्षवर्धन को पराजित कर ‘परमेश्वर’ की उपाधि धारण की थी |
→ पुलकेशिन द्वितीय के बारे मे जानकारी रविकीर्ति के द्वारा लिखित ‘’एहोल अभिलेख’’ से मिलती है |
► पुलकेशिन द्वितीय ने हर्ष को पराजित किया इसका उल्लेख इसी अभिलेख मे मिलता है |
►वेंगी के चालुक्य (पूर्वी चालुक्य) :
► पुलकेशिन द्वितीय के भाईविष्णुवर्द्धनने इस वंश की नीव रखी थी |
Note:प्रमुखपापनाथ मंदिर और विरूपाक्ष मंदिरका निर्माण कार्य भी चालूक्यो के शासन काल मे हुआ था |
राष्ट्रकूट वंश की स्थापना दंतिदुर्ग (735-756 ई) ने वातापी के चालूक्यो के अंतिम शासक कीर्तिवर्मन द्वितीय को पराजित कर की थी |
• राष्ट्रकूटो ने अपनी राजधानीमान्यखेतको बनाया था |
Note:एलोरा एवं एलीफेंटा की गुफाओंका निर्माण राष्ट्रकूट वंश के शासन काल मे हुआ है, एलोरा मे34 शेलकृत गुफाएँहै |
🔍 कल्याणी के चालुक्य:
जिन चालूक्यो ने हैदराबाद स्थित कल्याण को अपनी राजधानी बनाया वो कल्याणी के चालुक्य कहलाए |
• 10वीं शताब्दी के अंत मे इस वंश की स्थापनातेलप द्वितीयने की थी |
• इन सभी मे सबसे महाप्रतापी शासक विक्रमादित्य षष्ट था इसने कई विद्वानो, कवियों को अपने दरबार मे आश्रय दिया था |
• 9वीं शताब्दी मे चोल साम्राज्य की स्थापना विजयालय ने की |
►विजयालय :
इसी ने 9वीं शताब्दी के चोल साम्राज्य की स्थापना की इसने तंजौर को जीतकर इसे अपनी राजधानी बनाया था | इसके बाद आदित्य प्रथम का पुत्रपरांतक प्रथमचोल साम्राज्य का अगला शासक हुआ |
►परांतक प्रथम :
इसके शासन काल मेराष्ट्रकूट शासक कृष्ण तृतीय ने आक्रमण किया था |
► इस युद्ध मे परांतक प्रथम का पुत्र मारा गया और चोलो की बुरी तरह से हार हुई |
• इतिहास मे यह लड़ाई तक्कोलम के युद्ध के नाम से जानी जाती है |
►राजराज प्रथम :
इस वंश का सबसे शक्तिशाली शासक था यह शैव धर्मका अनुयायी था |इसी के शासन काल से चोल साम्राज्य की महानता का युग प्रारम्भ हुआ |
• इसी ने चेरो की नौ सेनाओ को युद्ध मे पराजित किया साथ ही चालुक्य, पाण्ड्य, मैसूर के गंग राजाओ को युद्ध मे पराजित किया |
► चोल साम्राज्य मे सर्वाधिक प्रसार इसी के शासन काल मे देखने को मिलता है इसने गंगेकोण्ड चोलपुरम को चोलो की नई राजधानी बनाई थी |
500 AD to 1200 AD of the significant dynasties of South India.
We will talk about the significant dynasties of South India between 500 AD and 1200 AD.
At this time, the influence of many types of dynasties can be seen in different regions of South India.
Pallavi in the 5th century and Chalukyo in the 7th century
Three branches of the Chalukya dynasty
Chalukya of Vatapi
Vengi Chalukya
Kalyani K Chalukya
The influence of Vatapi Chalukya or Vengi Chalukyo is seen in 6th 7th century then Vatapi Chalukyo power was weakened, and the Rashtrakuta dynasty was established
About the 8th-century Rashtrakuta dynasty
The Rashtrakuta dynasty emerged from one branch of the Chalukya dynasty and fell due to the other department.
• After the Rashtrakuta dynasty, the powers of the Chalukyas of Kalyani developed, and the Rashtrakuta dynasty collapsed.
• Then the rule of Chalukyas of Kalyani was established then we will talk about Chalukyo of Kalyani. And finally, we will talk about the rise of the Chola dynasty in the 9th century
Pallava dynasty (575 AD – 897 AD): –
The Pallava dynasty was established at a time when the Satvahak dynasty was collapsing. The Pallava dynasty was located south of the river Krishna. This dynasty had its capital at Kanchi. The official language of the Pallavas was Sanskrit
► Pallavi ka santhapak
The real founder of the Pallava dynasty is considered to be Simhavishnu
🔴 Singh Vishnu (575 – 600 AD):
• Singh was a follower of Vishnuvaishnava religion; Singh was the author of Vishnu’s court Mebharvinam who composed “Kirtarjunium”.
• The “Varaha Temple” was built in Mamallapur during the reign of Singh Vishnu
• Singhvishnu was a great majestic ruler who defeated the kings of Chera, Chola, Pandya dynasty in battle
Mahendravarman-I (600 – 630 AD):
Mahendravarman was a great poet and musician.
• Initially, he was a follower of Jainism. Later, he became a follower of Akar Shaivism under Tamil saint Upper’s influence.
During the reign of Mahendravarman, the Chalukya king Pulkeshin II invaded and defeated the Pallava ruler Mahendravarman in battle; this was the beginning of the war between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas.
Mahendravarman composed “Matvilas Prahasan” which is a major work of the Pallava period.
The most powerful ruler of the entire Pallava dynasty was Kasanarsinhavarman-I.
It defeated the Chalukya ruler Pulakeshin-II in battle. Defeating this, Narasimhavarman I assumed the title of “Vatapikond.”
• During its reign, Chinese mechanic Havengsan entered Kanchi, along with the construction of the Rath Mandir (Ekashma Mandir) at Himahabalipuram by Narasimha Varman-I.
Narasimhavarman-II (700-728 AD):
Its reign is considered to be a peacetime reign, and its power witnessed the development of architectural art such as –
Mukteshwar Temple
• Backund Perumal Temple
• Kailashnath Temple (Rajsiddheshwar Temple)
The construction of these temples was the beginning of Hydravin architecture
In the court of this Narasimhavarman II, famous Sanskrit writers used to be the ones who composed “Deshkumarcharit”.
Nandivarman II, Nandi Varman III became the next king, and the last chief ruler of this dynasty was Aparajitvarman (879-897 AD)
► Later the Pallava kingdom was conquered by the Kochol rulers and merged into their domain.
Chalukyas of Vatapi:
The Chalukyas who made Vatapi their capital were called the Chalukyas of Vatapi
The founder of this dynasty was Pulakeshin I (535-567 AD)
🔴 Pulakeshin I –
Pulakeshin I made Hibadami his capital
• After this, Kirtivarman son Pulakeshin II became the next ruler
➡ Pulakeshin II –
The greatest ruler of this dynasty was Harshavardhana, the ruler of the Western Ganga dynasty, the Kadamba dynasty, and the Pushyabhuti dynasty, who assumed God’s title.’
Information about Pulakeshin II is found in the “Ahole Records” written by Ravikirti.
► It is mentioned in this inscription that Pulakeshin II defeated Harsh.
► Pulakeshin II conquered Vengi (Andhra Pradesh) and appointed his brother Vishnuvardhan as the ruler there. With this, the foundation of Vengi’s Chalukyo was laid.
► This Pulakeshin II invaded the Pallava dynasty during his reign and defeated the Pallava ruler Mahendravarman I in battle.
It was avenged by his son Narasimhavarman I. Narasimhavarman I, the Pallava dynasty’s majestic ruler, defeated Pulakeshin II and the king of Sri Lanka in 642 AD and captured his capital, Badami. After the victory, Narasimhavarman, I assumed the title of Nevatapikondaki.
After this, Vikramaditya became the first ruler who took revenge on these Pallavas in 654 AD.
► After this, Vinayaditya, Vijayaditya, and Vikramaditya II became the next rulers. The last ruler of this dynasty was Kirtivarman II, defeated by Dantidurg and established the Rashtrakuta dynasty.
Vengi K Chalukya (Eastern Chalukya):
Vishnuvardhana, the brother of Pulakeshin II, laid the foundation of this dynasty.
It made its capital Vengi; hence it was called Vengi’s Chalukya.
► It was Vishnuvardhana’s wife, Aina Mahadevi, who had a Jain temple built in Vijayawada.
► But the most majestic ruler of this dynasty was Vijayaditya III It declared itself the greatest ruler of Dakshinapath.
► After this, I am the chief ruler.
Very nice
Interesting…keep it up!!😊
Very good friend
Very nice bro